CCiL Doctoral Workshop 2023: “Emerging Issues in Applied Linguistics Research Seminar”

Cognitive Science and Language Ph.D. Program
“Emerging Issues in Applied Linguistics Research Seminar” November 30, 2023
9.30-10:00 Welcome, Coffee & Informative session
“Knowing what to do at each stage of the thesis”
Dr Júlia Barón
10:00 – 11:30 Students’ presentations I
Yamnei Li “How to transition from academia to industry: job search advice”
Paulina Olender “‘I thought I understood everything, but I don’t remember these words at all!’: vocabulary learning at first exposure to a new language”
Athenea Botey "Investigating the interface between language and pragmatics in compliment-response sequences: a work-in-progress presentation"
Zhang Lijun “Exploring the Use of Model Texts as a Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) Strategy in Individual and Collaborative Revision: Writing Quality, Noticing, and Subsequent Uptake”
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Invited Talk
“I don’t think so…” Learning how to appropriately refuse through audiovisual input
Dr Alicia Martínez-Flor
13:00 - 14:00 Students’ presentations II
Adnan Mukhrib “The role of consciousness-raising tasks and communicative tasks in developing the use of past tense forms of English verbs by secondary school Saudi students”
Kadir Kaderoglu "Vocabulary Learning from Captioned Documentary Subgenres"
Rebeca Finger-Bou “The Effects of Attention, Age and Textual Enhancement on Vocabulary Acquisition: A Work in Progress”
14:00 Closure