
Internship information
The "pràctiques extracurriculars"

Our MA is a research-oriented program but, since you are a UB-registered student you can benefit from the internships in companies (pràctiques extracurriculars).

Extracurricular internships are academic activities not included in the curriculum of a course of study, aimed at promoting the professional development and employment integration of students.

These activities are voluntary, do not entail credit recognition, and cannot be recognized as curricular internships.

According to current regulations, this activity must be recorded in the European Diploma Supplement (EDS) if the student completes a minimum of 200 hours.

They take place during the students' training period and are formalized through cooperation agreements. They have a maximum duration of 750 hours per academic year and can be extended, exceptionally, up to 900 hours. An academic year is understood to be the period between September of one year and September of the following year.

  • Being a student enrolled in the Master's program in Cognitive Science and Language, meaning having enrollment for the academic year in which the internships are intended to be carried out.
  • Having no contractual relationship with the company or institution where the internships are undertaken, except in duly justified and authorized cases. If authorized, neither the schedule nor the location of the internships can coincide with those of your employment contract.
  • Have not requested the master's degree title.

If you want to do internships but don't have a specific company in mind or haven't been contacted by any, you can contact "Pràctiques Filosofia" <>. The Faculty already has some agreements signed with companies, maybe you are interested in one.

Sometimes it happens that you already have found a job and the company ask you for an internship instead of a "regular" contract.

In that case, in the event that you want to do internships at a company/institution that does not have a cooperation agreement (convenio) with the Faculty, the company needs to make an internship proposal to the university, the proposal (submitted through the internship portal GIPE) must include the job description, tasks, duration of the contract, schedule, etc. and if they want you to work with them they need to include also your name.

Once they have done the offer, if it is accepted, the Faculty of Philosophy will formalize the agreement (convenio) and the training project in order to begin the internships that will be signed between the company and the dean.


The complete process will be detailed to them if they write to

Benefits and economical effects
  • A salary is paid by the company.
  • The company must affiliate the student in the Spanish Seguridad Social system.
  • Students under 28 years old have compulsory school insurance included in the tuition fee. Those older than 28 years old must purchase voluntary insurance.