Enrolment in the doctoral programme
In the three universities, enrolment in the doctoral programme consists of three phases:
- Admission: Admission to the doctoral programme is carried out by a commission created by the Academic Committee of the programme.
- Access: Access to the doctoral programme is carried out by the faculty secretariat after the homologation of the studies (number of credits).
- Enrolment: After admission and access are completed, students can enroll in the doctoral programme. Students must enrol at their supervisor's university.
- Enrolment information and dates at UB [Take into account that many times the secretaries only update the Catalan version of their webpages, if you cannot find or understand the info write to]
- Enrolment at UAB
- Enrolment at URV

Admission by the university
The information with regard to the admission, access and fees can be found at:
Admission by the CCiL programme
The PhD programme is aimed at a public with concerns and good training in research in any of the branches of research related to the philosophical, linguistic and psychological areas, preferably those students showing any interdisciplinary experience.
The PhD programme may also be appropriate for professionals and graduate students in other areas related to language. More specifically, the PhD programme aims to meet the demand of specific groups of students or professionals such as:
- Students who have completed a master's degree in any of the research branches of the programme (60 credits directly related to research in the field of Cognitive Science and Language). Especially, the students of the master’s degree in Cognitive Science and Language have a proper profile. However, even though the overcoming of the CCiL master’s degree qualifies one to apply for admission to the PhDCCiL, it does not imply that the applicant is going to be admitted. The transition from the CCiL master’s degree to the CCiLPhD is not automatic; students who have completed the CCiL master’s degree will undergo the same process of admission as other applicants.
Students who have successfully completed a master's programme related to the branches of research of the PhD programme also fit in the admission profile. This includes students related to Social and Human Sciences, Health Sciences or Education Sciences (i.e., philologists, translators, speech therapists, psychologists...). Those students who have completed a master’s degree related to philosophical, linguistic and philological aspects will be included here. Those master's degrees related to any native and foreign language-teaching, applied linguistics, and translation or psychological master's degrees would also be related. - Students with other official degrees in the fields mentioned above may also be admitted, previously accepted by the Academic Committee, as long as they prove research training and knowledge in any of the branches of research of the PhD programme, as well as their level of English.
The Academic Committee of the programme arranged the following specific admission requirements taking into account the established access routes.
In order to be admitted into the CCiLPhD programme, the student must:
1. Be in possession of any of the following degrees or masters:
- Inter-university Master's degree in Cognitive Science and Language or related master's degrees (described in the previous section).
- Master's degree issued by an institution of the European Higher Education Area. The Academic Committee of the PhD programme has to consider that it has the same level and offers research-oriented training equivalent to the previously mentioned master’s degrees.
- Degrees issued according to an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, no homologation needed, attesting to a level of education equivalent to the previously mentioned master’s degrees.
2. Be fluent in English.
- Students must demonstrate that they have an adequate knowledge of the English language (level B1 or equivalent), which will have to be accredited. If accreditation is not possible, an interview with a person designated by the Academic Committee of the PhD programme may be required in order to make an assessment of the level of English of the student.
In the assessment of the candidates who apply and meet the requirements, the Academic Committee of the PhD programme will give priority to students who are in possession of the master’s degrees listed in the previous section.
The Committee will also assess the following aspects, which are presented in a priority manner and with the given weighting:
- Academic file and merits provided by the candidates. Enough evident training will be especially taken into account in order to start a doctoral thesis in research topics related to the scientific areas of the programme. The possession of any of the master’s degrees associated with the PhD programme will be valued positively. For different master's degrees, the Committee will especially take into account: a) if the completed master's degree was in English, and b) indicators of excellence contributed to the master’s degree or the university where it was obtained. Weighting: 50%.
- Curriculum Vitae. Previous knowledge of the topics included in the PhD programme will be valued. Experience in this field will be valued. Accredited knowledge of English (and Spanish or Catalan for foreign students) will be taken into account. Weighting: 30%.
- Cover letter. The candidates’ cover letter must clearly reflect the reasons that explain their interest to undertake a PhD programme in Cognitive Science and Language. It will be positively appreciated that the candidates explain the area of interest in which they want to work in the future. The cover letter can be complemented, if necessary, with a personal interview. Weighting: 15%.
- Letters of recommendation. Referees can be from former teachers or people who have had professional or academic relationships with the candidates. The letters must reflect both the analytical capacity of the candidates as well as their training and motivation. Weighting: 5%
According to their score, an order of priority of those who exceed the minimum, which will be evaluated in relation to the profile of admission, will be established.
Admission criteria will be the same for full-time and part-time students. In the latter case, dedication must be justified in the admission application. Criteria for the admission of researchers in part-time training will be the following:
- Work (the employment relationship must be accredited).
- Be affected by any kind of disabilities (physical, sensory or psychological)
- Being performing other specialized full-time or part-time training.
- Be regarded as the primary caregiver of dependent people, this must be proved through supporting documentation.
- Have children under 3 years old.
- Be a high-level athlete.
- Other justifiable causes that the Academic Committee will assess.
The Academic Committee of the PhD programme will take into account the merits indicated above in order to decide if the candidates are (i) accepted or (ii) rejected. In any case, the Academic Committee will ensure that students receive proper guidance about the route they will have to choose from each entry profile.
Once the acceptance is notified, students must contact their (s) supervisor (s) and tutor(s) and complete the registration process.
You can consult all the fees in the following links: