Workshop CCiL Master 2013
Start date
End date
Sala Gran, Facultat de Filosofia (UB), C / Montalegre, 6, 4a planta.
10-11 Joaquín Romero, (Dept. Filologia Anglogermànica, URV), "Taking your time. Dynamic phonology and speech production and perception"
11-12 José Manuel Igoa, (Dept. Psicologia Bàsica, Univ Autònoma de Madrid), "Some thoughts on the architecture of sentence comprehension".
12-12:30 Cafè
12:30-13:15 Antics estudiants del CCIL: Roger Boada, Cornelia Moldovan, Sergi Oms.
13:15-14 Taula rodona sobre "Information on research opportunities and grants".