Conference on "Detection of geriatric syndromes and adverse events using natural language processing"

The Language and Computing Centre (CLiC) organises a conference entitled "Detection of geriatric syndromes and adverse events using natural language processing" on Thursday 18th May at 10:00, which will be held by Dr. Imane Guellil, from the University of Edinburgh.
Dr. Imane Guellill will give a talk about her work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the context of the automatic detection of geriatric syndromes and adverse events from clinical history of hospitalisation. Geriatric syndromes are complex and multifactorial clinical conditions that affect older adults and do not fall into the categories of discrete diseases. They include falls, malnutrition, dementia, severe urinary incontinence, loss of fecal control, visual impairment, difficulty walking, pressure ulcers, lack of social support and weight loss. Adverse events are unwanted harmful effects that occur due to medication or other treatment methods, and their severeness depends on a complex interaction between comorbidities, treatments, and other individual characteristics.
Dr. Guellil specializes in applying NLP techniques for sentiment analysis, machine translation, entity identification and disambiguation. She has also worked on adapting NLP techniques for British companies that manage large databases.
The conference will take place on May 18th, from 10 to 11h at the Faculty of Philology and Communication (UB), in the Josep Carner Building, classroom 0.2.