Language, languages, dialects
Prof. Roberta D’Alessandro (Universiteit Leiden)
Tuesday November 24th, 11am
The award ceremony of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera scholarships for Masters of Excellence was held on Tuesday October 13th.
Friday October 30th at 16h.
Seminari de Filosofia (Montalegre 6, 4rth floor)
Come meet other students, ask questions and get news and information about the program.
Se ha abierto la convocatoria de la beca "Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera).
New ADR scolarship for PhD thesis.
Informació relativa a Convocatòries
Perquè en prengueu coneixement, us trametem la/les convocatòria/es següent/s:
Pre-enrollment for the 2015/2016 course will open on April the 7th. There will be two pre-enrollment periods:
1st period: 7 April - 30 June
2nd period: 1 July - 20 September
Benvolguts / des,
LERU survey to investigate which professional exit have researchers that leave academic research, please fill it and contribute to this project:
Wdnesday, 3rd of December 2014
Grammar & Cognition group Dept. Lingüística UB Global aphasia: the case for autonomy of language and thought
A càrrec de:
Rosemary Varley
Psychology & Language Sciences, University College London
S'ha obert la Convocatòria "Premis Extraordinaris Màster 2013-2014". Consulteu condicions a la web UB.