Universitat de Barcelona has published the call for the Master's + UB scholarships, a programme aimed at encouragingscientificvocations and attracting students with a good academic record to participate in research activities within a consolida
For the 11th year, the Labex EFL (Paris) offers mobilitygrants for a period of 3 months in 2024 to PhD students in Linguistics and related fields from outside France.
The University of Verona and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano have currently opened 7 PhD positions within their joint PhD programme inLinguistics. Selected PhD candidates will receive a 3-year fellowship.
The Language and Comparative Cognition group at the Center for Brain and Cognition (Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Barcelona) is offering one PhD position to work on a project financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PI: Juan Manuel Toro).
The goal of the Archimedes Competition is to promote scientific research among university students by rewarding the best research papers in all areas of knowledge carried out by undergraduate and master's students from Spanish universities. Reward up to 8000 euros.
Las II Jornadas Doctorales del Programa de Doctorado en Lenguas, Textos y Contextos se proponen como un foro de intercambio académico y convivencia que permite al estudiantado que ya ha defendido su plan de investigación exponer los avances de la misma.
The Welcome Meeting will take place in person (it will not be streamed) the 29th September 2022, at 10.00 h at at the Sala Jane Addams of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universitat de Barcelona.
Peizhu Shang will defend her doctoral thesis "“Adquisición de la entonación de las oraciones interrogativas del español por parte de los sinohablantes: Patrones entonativos y propiedades fonético-acústicas", directed by Dr. Wendy Elvira-García (UB) and Dr.
La conferencia tendrá lugar en Milán entre el 30 de noviembre y el 2 de diciembre de 2022 y la fecha límite de presentación de abstract es el 30 de junio de 2022. Toda la información se encuentra tanto en el archivo adjunto como en la página web del evento.