Schedule 2024-2025

Academic calendar information
Beware: Each university has its own calendar, check the "start/end" dates of each course. Specially the UPF which works with trimestres September-December; January-March; March-June.
Important: students who have to take additional training to access the master's degree (background courses) must consult the calendar of degrees in Philosophy, Psychology and Linguistics of the different centers (UB, UAB, UPF, UdG, URV) to adapt to their start dates.
Provisional dates
- Background courses start 16th September 2024 [you can start attending background courses without being registered yet]
- Welcome meeting: 27th September 2024
- MA courses start 30th September 2024
- Annual conference: To be announced
- MA thesis defense: July 2025 or September 2025

Fall semester
- Teaching: 29 September 2024 - 31 January 2025
- Assessment: 29 September 2024 - 31 January 2025
- One-exam assessment: 8-31 January 2025
- Resits: 3-7 February
Chistmas break: 23 December 2024 - 7 January 2025
Spring semester
- Teaching: 10 February 2025 (UPF: starts 8th January) - 27 June 2025
- Assessment: 10 February 2025 (UPF: starts 8th January) - 27 June 2025
- One-exam asessment: 2-27 June
- Resits:1-5 July
Easter break: 14 -21 April 2025
MA thesis defence:
- July: 8-12 July
- September: 2-13 September
1st Semester: 11th September (Diada, Catalunya), 24th September (Mercé, Barcelona), 12th October (Hispanic Heritage Day), 1st November (All Saints), 6th December (Spanish Constitution), 8th December (Immaculate Conception).
- Christmas holidays: 23th December to 7th January (public holidays -shops closed- 25th December, 26th December, 1st January, 6th January)
2nd Semester: 21 April (Easter Monday-), 1st May (Worker's day), 9th June (Pasqua Granada), 24th June (Sant Joan).
- Easter break: 14 -21 April 2025

Create your schedule 2024-25
Download the Excel below to have an editable schedule with your courses.
Remember you have 4 general compulsory courses (3+final project), 3 compulsory courses of your branch and 3 optionals (that you need to choose yourself with the help of your tutor).

You can see the syllabus of each course by clicking in its title. The official ones, that include the Ministry Memoir competence are available in the link below. In those links, the general interface of schedules and syllabi is only available in Catalan click "Pla docent" in order to see the syllabus in English (when English is the teaching language) and "Tardor" [Fall] or "Primavera" [Spring] in order to see the schedule.
Common mandatory courses
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Foundations and Structure of Language | 5 | 570503 | Sergio Balari Ravera Evelina Leivada | 03/10/2024 | 23/01/2025 | Thursdays, 9:00-11:00h | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom: 402 | 1st |
Mental architecture and basic processes | 5 | 570501 | Javier Rodríguez Ferreiro Itxaso Barberia Fernández Àngels Colomé González Mireia Hernández Prado Cristina Baus Márquez | 01/10/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Tuesdays, 10:30-13:30h | UB Mundet. Room 2206 | 1st |
Philosophy of language and cognition | 5 | 570502 | Josefa (Pepa) Toribio Mateas Dario Mortini | 14/10/2024 | 16/12/2024 | Mondays, 10:00-13:00h | UB Raval. Classroom: 412 | 1st |
Master courses: Philosophy
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Philosophy and cognitive sciences | 5 | 571055 | Thomas Sturm | 13/02/2025 | 24/04/2025 | Thursdays, 10:30-13:30h | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom: 402 | 2nd |
Advanced Subjects in Philosophy and Cognitive Science | 5 | 570504 | Sven Rosenkranz | 27/01/2025 | 07/02/2025 | Monday to Friday, 10:00-13:00h | UB Raval. Classroom: 409 [APhil Name: Debates in Theoretical Philosophy] | 2nd |
The nature of language | 5 | 570632 | Manuel Jesús (Manolo) Martínez | 02/10/2024 | 04/12/2024 | Wednesdays, 11:00-14:00h | UB Raval. Classroom: 401 | 1st |
Master courses: Linguistics
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Interdisciplinary Applications of Linguistic Concepts | 5 | 570515 | Cedric Boeckx | 14/10/2024 | 16/12/2024 | Mondays, 15:00-18:00h | UB Universitat (Josep Carner building). Classroom: 0.3 | 1st |
Contrastive linguistics | 5 | 570505 | Josep Quer Evripidis Tsiakmakis | 07/01/2025 | 04/03/2025 | Tuesdays, 14:30-17:30h | UPF Poblenou. Classroom: 52.421 (UPF name: Qüest. Actuals Lingüística Formal) | 2nd |
Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Linguistics | 5 | 570514 | Francesc Xavier Villalba | 21/03/2025 | 09/05/2025 | Fridays, 11:30-14:30h + 12/05 to 16/05, 11:30-14:00 (Intensive course by invited professor C. Heycock) | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom: 402 and B7/1057 (intensive course) | 2nd |
Master courses: Psychology
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Development of Speech, Language and Cognition | 5 | 570518 | Ferran Pons Gimeno Beatriz de Diego-Lázaro Laura Bosch | 15/10/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Tuesdays, 15:00-18:00h | UB Mundet. Classroom: Seminar Room, Dept. Cognition, Development and Educational Psychology (Edifici Ponent), 5th floor. | 1st |
Advanced Subjects in Psychology and Cognitive Science | 5 | 570517 | Juan Manuel Toro | 10/01/2025 | 07/03/2025 | Fridays, 11:00-13:00h | UPF Ciutadella (Edifici Merce Rodoreda). Classroom: 24.019 | 2nd |
Psychology, Language and Cognition | 5 | 570516 | Ruth De Diego-Balaguer Lluís Fuentemilla | 13/01/2025 | 17/03/2025 | Mondays, 15:00-18:00h | UB Mundet. Classroom: TBA | 2nd |
Optional Philosophy courses
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Topics in philosophy of mind | 5 | 570636 | David Pineda | 12/02/2025 | 30/04/2025 | Wednesdays, 15:30-18:30h | UB Raval. Classroom: 409 | 2nd |
Topics in semantics and pragmatics | 5 | 570640 | Martina Rosola Federico Cella | 26/09/2024 | 05/12/2024 | Thursdays, 16:30-19:30h | UB Raval. Classroom: 409 | 1st |
Topics in Ontology | 5 | 570641 | Marta Campdelacreu Arqués | 23/09/2024 | 20/01/2025 | Mondays, 15.00-17.30h | UB Raval. Classroom: 412 | 1st |
Topics in epistemology | 5 | 570638 | Dario Mortini | 11/02/2025 | 29/04/2025 | Tuesdays, 16:30-19:30h | UB Raval. Classroom: 402 | 2nd |
Foundations of Philosophy of Science | 5 | 570637 | Albert Solé | 18/02/2025 | 13/05/2025 | Tuesdays, 9:30-12:00h | UB Raval. Classroom: 409 | 2nd |
Philosophical logic | 5 | 570639 | Sergi Oms Tamer Nawar | 04/02/2025 | 01/05/2025 | Tu. 15:00-16:30 & Th. 15:00-16:30h | UB Raval. Classroom: 409 | 2nd |
Optional Linguistics courses
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Natural Language Processing | 5 | 570524 | Mireia Farrús | 02/10/2024 | 04/12/2024 | Wednesdays, 15-18h | UB Universitat. Josep Carner. Classroom: 4.4 | 1st |
Linguistic Variation | 5 | 570522 | Elena Pagliarini Francesc Josep (Xico) Torres Tamarit | 03/10/2024 | 23/01/2025 | Thursdays, 11:30-13:30h | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom: B9-130 (next to the dean's office) | 1st |
Computational morphosyntax | 5 | 570519 | Thomas Brochhagen | 07/01/2025 | 04/03/2025 | Tuesdays, 17:30-20:30h | UPF Poblenou. Classroom: 52.113 (UPF name: Natural Language Processing) | 2nd |
Empirical Linguistics | 5 | 570521 | Dan Dediu | 04/10/2024 | 13/12/2024 | Fridays, 15:00-18:00h | UB Universitat (Josep Carner building). Classroom: 2.6 | 1st |
Grammar and its interfaces | 5 | 570523 | Francesc Josep (Xico) Torres Tamarit Maria Teresa Espinal Farré | 14/02/2025 | 06/06/2025 | Fridays, 9:30-11:30h | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom: 402 | 2nd |
Cuestiones de Semántica Léxica | 5 | 570520 | Natàlia Català Torres | 10/02/2025 | 02/06/2025 | Mondays, 16:00-18:00h | UB Universitat. Historical Building. Sala de Juntes de Filologia, first floor and through the wooden staircase | 2nd |
Optional Psychology courses
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Perception, Action and Awareness | 5 | 570527 | Cristina De La Malla Elisabet Tubau Sala | 16/10/2024 | 18/12/2024 | Wednesdays, 15:00-18:00h | UB Mundet. Classroom: Cognitive Processes seminary room (Ponent building, 5th floor) | 1st |
Modelos Cognitivos del Procesamiento Sintáctico | 5 | 570526 | Josep Demestre | 11/10/2024 | 20/12/2024 | Viernes, 11:00-14:00h | UB Universitat (Carner). Classroom: 1.5 | 1st |
Language processing in bilinguals | 5 | 570528 | María Pilar Ferré Romeu | 6/03/2025 | 22/05/2025 | Thursdays, 11:00-14:00h | UB Universitat (Carner). Classroom: 1.5 | 2nd |
Statistical Methods and Techniques for Researchers | 5 | 570525 | Rumen Manolov | 09/10/2024 | 22/01/2025 | Wednesdays, 10.00 to 13.00 | UB Mundet. Classroom "Biblioteca" (3417) and classroom 1308 (computer sessions) | 1st |
Master thesis
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Master's final dissertation or MA thesis (TFM) | 15 | 570532 | Manuel Jesús (Manolo) Martínez | 06/02/2024 | 15/09/2024 | First general meeting in February. After that individual tutorships with advisors. | TBA | 2nd |
Background courses: Psychology
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Perception and attention (codi grau:361071) | 6 | 570560 | Matthias Keil Jordi Navarra | 16/09/2024 | 19/12/2024 | Mondays & Wednesdays, 13.00-15.00 | UB Mundet. Room: 1202 | 1st |
Research design | 6 | 570562 | Rumen Manolov | 16/09/2024 | 19/12/2024 | Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30-13.00 & Fridays 11.30-12.30 | UB, Mundet. Classroom: 1205 | 1st |
Language and Communication (BA code: 361075) | 6 | 570558 | not offered 2024-25 |
Background courses: Linguistics
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Grammatical structures (codi UAB 100228: Introduction to linguistics) | 6 | 570548 | Sergio Balari Ravera | 16/09/2024 | 18/12/2024 | Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:30-13:00 | UAB Filosofia i Lletres. Classroom 111. | 1st |
Lingüística computacional (codi grau: 361749) | 6 | 570550 | Mireia Farrús | 17/09/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Tuesdays 9:30-11:00h | UB Universitat. Josep Carner building. Classroom: 4.4 | 1st |
Theory of language/Teoría del lenguaje (codi grau UB: 361872, Introducció a la lingüística) | 6 | 570554 | not offered 2024-25 | 2nd |
Background courses: Philosophy
Course | Credits | Code | Teacher | Start | End | Schedule | Location | Sem |
Filosofia de la ciència I (codi UB:360962) | 6 | 570539 | Albert Solé | 18/09/2024 | 19/12/2024 | Wednesdays 09-11h Thursdays 9-11h and 10-11h. Group A1 (Cast). | UB Raval. Classroom: 410 | 1st |
Filosofia del llenguatge I (codi UB:360964) | 6 | 570540 | Carlota Serrahima | 17/09/2024 | 18/12/2024 | Tuesdays 17.00-19.00h & Wednesdays 17.00-18.00h. Group B1. | UB Raval. Classroom: 404 | 1st |
Filosofia del llenguatge i de la ment (codi UB:363799) | 6 | 570546 | Encarnación (Esa) Díaz León | 16/09/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Mondays 19-21h & Tuesdays 20-21h | Group B1: UB Raval. Classroom: 412 | 1st |
Introducció a la lògica (codi UB:360906) | 6 | 570542 | José (Pepe) Martínez Fernández | 17/09/2024 | 19/12/2024 | Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, 10-11h | UB Raval. Classroom: 403 | 1st |
Qüestions de Teoria del Coneixement (Epistemologia) (codi UB:360970) | 6 | 570538 | Manuel Pérez Otero | 16/09/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Mondays 19:00-21:00h & Tuesdays 20:00-21:00h | UB Raval. Classroom: 404 | 1st |
Metafísica I (codi UdG:3102G03025) | 6 | 570547 | not offered 2024-25 |